Tuesday 2 December 2014

It will be ‘BOOM!” I am there!

One year has passed.  The first time I started with this business, I was a very timid person, I couldn’t hold a conversation past 5 minutes, I couldn’t seem to make new friends.  Everything that I never think of, was negative.  Before I try anything new, I had given up, just by thinking that I can’t do it.  I prejudged everyone, from what they thought of me, to what I was wearing, or as simple as whether I have bad breathe.

Being the only one from this group, in Singapore, in this newly found opportunity, I was lacking of a lot of things.  Training, for one.  But I have a very dedicated team of mentors, who sacrificed their time and money, just to make sure that I started with the right footing, and to guide me.

I didn’t have much of a network.  I knew to be successful in a network business, I need to build relationships.  I realized that I have to make some changes, exchanges of time – I need to get out of my comfort zone, to mingle with the successful crowd.  Learn from the experts who have succeeded using the method that they were taught.  Travel to be among the learned.   Along the way, I have to get out of my comfort zone, spent nights with dedicated friend and mentor, listen to his grilling at odd hours.  Be patient, and celebrate my progress along the way. 
I would travel up to Kuala Lumpur and attend the networking training, alone.  I would contact the few people that I did know and asked them to contact their friends, and friends of a friend of a friend.  I have a lot of help.  From friends who became partners, from friend who just want to help and gave me referrals, and reaching out to those referral sources.  I leverage social media, I would even attend events away from home and willing to do anything and spend my own money just to be there. 

I now know that I can do it. With all the mentoring and the training, I have to make it.

I am working on a long-term financial freedom that I desire, and that my family deserved.

To those who believe in me, I promise you that I will get there.  Sooner than you expected.  

Forget about slowly but surely.  It will be ‘BOOM!” I am there!

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