Sunday 28 December 2014

The Value of Zero

What is the value of $10 to you?

To the poor, the under privilege, the value of $10 is the same as maybe $1,000.  Because with that $10, he can feed his 7 children for a day.  

To the rich, the wealthy, the value of $10 could be as little as 1 cent, because he has more than he needs, and he does not need the $10 that is offered to him.  He would have just brushed it off, or just leave it on the floor.

To a child with parents who always give him everything he wants, the value of $10 is just like a trip to the convenience store.  

To someone who earns enough per month, the value of $10 is just $10. 

It shows that the value of Zero after the number one, varies to everyone.  Either it is a single zero or a double zero, to the right of another number, makes that number varies in value.  

But a single ZERO or a double ZERO, or even a triple ZERO to the right of nothing, is still ZERO.  Without value. 

0,000 has no value.

0 on the left of 1 - The Zero has no value, it is still a ZERO
0 on the right of 1 - makes the number 1 becomes 10, which means the ZERO is 9

So, it is up to you where you want to place the ZERO.  It could be a single ZERO, double ZERO or many many more ZERO, to the left, or to the right of a number.

To understand the value of ZERO, call me at :

Friday 19 December 2014

Start Your Own Business - Choose Wisely

Starting our own business, we have the advantage of complete control.  We are able to decide on the products, or service and we are able to decide on the profit margin.  We are able to employ our staff, and we are able to become the boss. 

But of course, there are also disadvantages of owning a conventional business.  Being in complete control also mean that we have to deal with suppliers, we have to deal with quotations and with contracts, and administrative issues.  It also mean that we have complete responsibility for anything that goes wrong.

There is also HR issues, while we hire employees and pay them, and give them the necessary training, sometimes, it is like running an adult-day-care centre.  In order to keep our employees, we have to make them happy, while making sure that they are doing their job.  But then, most employees do not last long, after 1 or 2 years, they move on, while we spend money paying their salary and send them for training, they will leave to find a ‘better’ environment, and left us to hire new employees and train them all over again.  In the end, our business has become their “stepping stone” only to gain experience.  And when your business fold, it will be our money that we have invested, that will be lost. Not to mentioned the working hours is long, it could be from 12 hours to 22 hours. We have to open the door in the morning, and close it at COB. 

Network marketing on the other hand, requires minimum investment, we only deal with manufacturer and distributors.  The company will take care of the administrative issues, the R & D, market research,  product development, the packaging, the payment system, and they make sure that everyone gets paid according to their performance. 

But when we start our network marketing business, the business is ours.  From which ever level we start, the business is entirely ours to run.  We decide how much we want to make, we decide our profit margin, we decide who to choose to be our partners, we decide who we want to train, and we decide our working hours.  There is no overheads, no rental, no salary payout to staffs, no dealing with sick employees and running around to cover absentees. 

At the end of the day: by starting a Network Marketing business, you give up a couple of small freedoms for the benefit of gaining more time to focus on building your income. In other words: Network Marketing done right, works exactly the same as a conventional business, but without the hassle.

This is Game Changing.  Take the leap, Work for a better life, Realised your Dreams.

Wednesday 17 December 2014


Heran.  I am confuse. 

Ada seorang kawan sebaya talipon saya dan mengeluh, duit gaji bulanan suami tak cukup. nak berbelanja kena berkira.   Anak yang dah besar dah berumah tangga, dah hidup sendiri.  Dia tinggal dengan suami dan anak-anak yang masih bersekolah dan yang masih mencari kerja.  Herannya dah 3 tahun cari kerja, tak dapat-dapat.  Kemudian, dia sendiri tak boleh keluar bekerja, sebab anak-anak tinggalkan cucu-cucu untuk di jaga sementara mereka pergi kerja.  

Suami kerja seorang, gaji walaupun tinggi, tapi banyak tanggungan. Semua nak kena bayar.  Rumah yang baru di beli 2 tahun lepas, sebab  upgrade kerumah lebih besar, supaya anak-anak selesa, harus top up wang tunai tiap bulan sebanyak lebih dari seribu dollars untuk bayar ansuran bank loan.  

Tiap hari jaga cucu, termasuk hujung minggu, kadang-kadang dapat upah, tapi selalunya tak dapat, alasan anak, duit tak cukup.  Jadi dihalalkan sajalah katanya.  Kesian Ibu, jaga cucu, kencing berak, makan semua di situ, tak di beri upah menjaga.  Tapi, tak apa lah katanya, cucu sendiri katanya. 

Kemudian saya cerita tentang business yang saya ceburi, saya bukakan peluang berniaga.  Saya tunjukkan cara, beritau yang ada latihan percuma, semua di sediakan, barang-barang pun mudah jual.  Leaders pimpin sampai berjaya, saya lakarkan lagi keuntungan yang boleh di capai dengan usaha rajin sedikit.  Boleh hidup mewah sikit.  Bila ibu ayah ada duit, anak-anak pun akan lebih sayang. Lumrah dunia. 

Tapi dia kata, dia tak tau berniaga, dia tak banyak kawan, suami tak kasi berniaga, dan ayat terakhir nya, TAK TAU NAK CARI ORANG.  

Ini yang saya heran.  Di beri peluang untuk mencari rezeki yang halal, katanya tak tau cari orang.  Tapi bila dah tersepit, nak pinjam duit TAHU CARI AKU

Gambar berikut, termasuk seorang 'auntie' berumur 70 tahun yang telah mencapai pangkat Senior Sales Manager.  Berbagsa cina.  Jalan dah berombak, tapi masih boleh berniaga, tak ada alasan untuk tidak maju.  Tidak kira usia, tidak kira ramai kawan, tidak kira 'tak tahu'.  Semua nya boleh di ubah, semua nya boleh 'jadi tahu', boleh berjaya, boleh meraih pendapatan lumayan.  Kalau bangsa cina boleh, kenapa kita Melayu cepat mengalah? 

Monday 8 December 2014

Thank you!

I am deeply honoured to have been selected to accept the Senior Sales Manager award.  I am one of the many who have made their marks in the 60K milestone.  I am sincerely grateful for the recognition from HOM Singapore which initiated the whole event. 

I should admit I have never expected that I can come this far, I have never received any award when I was with other businesses that I have joined before HOM.  Without false modesty, I feel that other recipients are also worthy of this award.

I am very pleased to receive this award because it was one of my dreams, to stand in front of many people accepting an award recognising my qualities and achievements. Without any doubt that my leaders and partners have helped me to fulfilling this dream.  I can't express enough of my excitement and inspiration with this award. 

when I started in this business, I couldn't imagine how interesting my life would be.  Of course, I faced a lot of challenges but I succeeded to overcome them and gained outstanding experience. 

Before entering the business sphere, I thought that I can only limit myself to work for a corporate office, and earn fixed monthly income and restrict my spending to what I earn each month.  Those days are in the past but something invaluable remains with me.  It is in my character which was built up then, I had to overcome professional difficulties and personal storms of life, but I succeeded.  I think this is real success.  And this award is the symbol of that success. 

I believe that we need to have few qualities to strive in this business - professionalism, capacity to grow under any circumstances, create a situation in which people are motivated to excel, and able to contribute their best, focus on teamwork and to be selfless in achieving goals.

I consider myself as an international leader.  I am always intrigue with self-improvement books, and always encourage my partners to read these books too, sot hat they are able to be courageous in taking well-reasoned risks and embracing productive conflict, and the ability to hold true to company and self's strategic goals.

Throughout my life, I always meet people who are so inspired, talented or skilled that I have learned and can learn something from them.  I am always opened to new initiatives, new people and new ideas to excel. 

The world is changing so rapidly, and we can undeniably fail to keep abreast, unless we stay positive and follow the instruction from our leaders well. 

I want to express my gratitute to my children, which supported me in all my undertakings, to my dearest DSM Soraya Nashir (, for her undying hope on us, CDM Salha Zain (, CDM Al-Faath Al-Ayubbi, for their encouragement and mentoring.  And special Shout Out to EZ Jazz who has spent many nights and days motivating me with his "No Holds Barred" attitude. 

And lastly, to HOM, without this company, I would not have the chance to dance on the stage.

Anyone can do this business. Anyone can achieve this award. Anyone can excel. It is up to you.  The choice is yours. You create your own path. You create your own life.  YOU DECIDE. 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

It will be ‘BOOM!” I am there!

One year has passed.  The first time I started with this business, I was a very timid person, I couldn’t hold a conversation past 5 minutes, I couldn’t seem to make new friends.  Everything that I never think of, was negative.  Before I try anything new, I had given up, just by thinking that I can’t do it.  I prejudged everyone, from what they thought of me, to what I was wearing, or as simple as whether I have bad breathe.

Being the only one from this group, in Singapore, in this newly found opportunity, I was lacking of a lot of things.  Training, for one.  But I have a very dedicated team of mentors, who sacrificed their time and money, just to make sure that I started with the right footing, and to guide me.

I didn’t have much of a network.  I knew to be successful in a network business, I need to build relationships.  I realized that I have to make some changes, exchanges of time – I need to get out of my comfort zone, to mingle with the successful crowd.  Learn from the experts who have succeeded using the method that they were taught.  Travel to be among the learned.   Along the way, I have to get out of my comfort zone, spent nights with dedicated friend and mentor, listen to his grilling at odd hours.  Be patient, and celebrate my progress along the way. 
I would travel up to Kuala Lumpur and attend the networking training, alone.  I would contact the few people that I did know and asked them to contact their friends, and friends of a friend of a friend.  I have a lot of help.  From friends who became partners, from friend who just want to help and gave me referrals, and reaching out to those referral sources.  I leverage social media, I would even attend events away from home and willing to do anything and spend my own money just to be there. 

I now know that I can do it. With all the mentoring and the training, I have to make it.

I am working on a long-term financial freedom that I desire, and that my family deserved.

To those who believe in me, I promise you that I will get there.  Sooner than you expected.  

Forget about slowly but surely.  It will be ‘BOOM!” I am there!