Wednesday 16 July 2014

Using everyday experience as a learning platform - random ranting.

Yesterday, I buka puasa at Jazz’s.   Mariam is truly a gifted cook, always enjoy having dinner with them. 

While I was there, I met the neighbor Kak Idah, who we refers to as Kakak Sebelah.  She called me to go over to her house for a chat which she is 'sepit-ting' her orders of kuih tat. 

Kakak Sebelah, has been purchasing our Marine Essence Beauty Bar. Recently she bought another 2 boxes.  I thought it was for her own family use.  But yesterday, she told me that her friend who stayed in Bedok, ordered the product from her too.  This friend of hers, has multiple illness, and one is skin irritation.  When she first used the Beauty Bar, she said that it felt like ‘getah nangka’, stickly to her skin.  And she wasn’t happy.  So Kakak Sebelah asked me what to do, so I told her to continue using, but don’t lather too much, just enough as cleanser.  So she did, and true enough, her skin condition improved, hence she ordered more.  Now she wants to try Herba Maharani, because she read the brochure which I normally enclosed when customer purchase products.  She said everything stated in the brochure, she is suffering! Poor soul.
Kakak Sebelah also said that she has another friend who is interested to buy our products, but has to wait til after Raya.  Which is fine with me.

What she didn’t realized is, unintentionally, she has open her own network marketing.  When she meets her friends, she talks about our products and how it has helped her friend and her grandson who had acne problem.  So I told Kakak Sebelah, to join as member so she can make extra income from her sharing, and not me.  Afterall, those are her friends and her contacts.  And she said YES.

This lengthy entry has points to it.  And my points are :
  • There are people out there who are in need of our products which we have not reach.  Have we ventured to farther ‘land’… like Bedok, or Sengkang?
  • Networking is important, it may not be ours, it could be our neighbour’s, friend’s, cousin’s… all we need to do, is share
  •  Practice makes perfect.  Just ask, and you shall receive
  • Thinking and doing is 2 different things.  Think is a thought of tomorrow.  Action gets reaction
  • And most importantly, KNOWLEDGE – ACTION – REFERS. 

Thank you. 

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