Thursday 31 July 2014

Benefits of Using Bamboo Salt

1. Bamboo salt is a cleanser born from nature itself
 - The ultimate natural cleanser guaranteeing the safety of the user regardless of age or sex.

2. Removes waste matter and cleanse even the deepest part of your skin.

3. Effective in preventing dandruff and depilation.

 - Removes grime and other unnecessary matter to protect our hair.

4. Outstanding sterilizing effect
 - Prevents various skin trouble including pimples, heat rashes and other skin-related diseases with its outstanding sterilizing ability.

5. The dietary effect of bamboo salt
 - Bamboo salt dissolves fat. Therefore, massaging with bamboo salt on a long-term and regular basis will certainly assist you in losing unwanted weight.

6. Prevents cavities and gum disease
 - Sterilizes and keeps your mouth completely germ-free to prevent any type of related illness from occurring.

7. Prevents eye disease and colds
 - Add bamboo salt to water and rinse your eyes or brush your teeth with it.
 - Rinse and clean your nostrils. (Add bamboo salt to water and run it through your nostrils and spit it out with your mouth)
 - You can also produce and maintain a certain quantity of bamboo salt water (made by passing a mixture of 100 CC of distilled water + 5G of bamboo salt through a filter bed) and use it whenever necessary.

8. Bamboo salt massaging effect
 - Effective when used to massage or an appropriate amount is heated and applied to stiff and sore body parts.

9. Anal diseases (haemorrhoids, etc.)
 - Add bamboo salt (just enough to feel the salty favour) to warm water, sit down and enjoy a sits (hip) bath comfortably   for about 10~30 minutes. Taking baths is also possible by applying bamboo salt to the water gathered in your bath tub.

10. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
-Rich with magnesium. Magnesium is regarded as the mineral for the heart. It helps to control high blood pressure, assists the absorption of calcium and maintains fluid balance, essential for contraction of muscle and strengthening the memory. 

11. Testis, prostate inflammation

12. It helps improve diabetes
- Calcium, magnesium and zinc in Bamboo Salt help to protect against the development of diabetes.
Daily drink 10 - 30 grams of bamboo salt. 

13. It helps to maintain pH of the body
 - The minerals can neutralize acidic toxins in our body rapidly, such as uric acid and excess acids in the stomach.

14. Improves blood circulation and prevent stroke

15. Prevents Heart disease

16. Chronic hepatitis

17. Balance the pH value of our bodies toward slightly alkaline 
-(a healthy body has a pH blood value between 7.35 –  7.45). This will enhance the immune system and prevent illnesses. 

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Cervical Cancer

What is Cervix Cancer?

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) (diagram). Cancers that arise in the cervix are potentially curable if detected in the early stage hence early detection is t the key to improving survival. Most cervical cancers are of the type called squamous cell carcinomas.

How common is Cervix Cancer?

Cervix cancer is the 7th most common female cancer in Singapore. About 200 cases are diagnosed every year.

Age of Onset

Pre-invasive cancer often occurs in women in their late 20s to 30s.These are termed as CIN (Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia). These are changes in the lining of the cervix which can lead to cervix cancer. With time, these pre-cancerous lesions can progress and become invasive cancer if left untreated.

Causes and Risks
Infection with Human Papilloma viruses (HPV) is the most common cause or risk factor for cervical cancer. These viruses are transmitted during sexual intercourse, as well as via oral or anal sex. Any female who has ever been sexually active is at potential risk.

Other risk factors include:

·         Onset of sexual activity before age 20
·         Multiple sexual partners
·         a history of sexually transmitted infections
·         A male sexual partner with a history of sexually transmitted infections and or extramarital sexual activity
·         A male sexual partner with sexual partner(s) with previous cancer of the cervix has been established as a potential risk
·         Cigarette smoking is a co-factor associated with an increased incidence of cervix cancer.

Symptoms and Signs of Cervix Cancer

Abnormal bleeding from the vagina signals the need for an immediate examination. Abnormal bleeding includes bleeding after sexual intercourse or bleeding between menstrual periods. Late symptoms that occur when the cancer is advanced include low back pain, pelvic pain, weight loss and leg swelling.

Diagnostic Tests

Cervical cancer screening with a Pap smear should start as soon as a woman becomes sexually active. This should be performed at1-3 yearly intervals depending on the age and the number of normal PAP smears. During this examination, a scraping of cells from the surface of the cervix is obtained during vaginal examination. This is a quick, simple and painless test.

If the Pap smear is abnormal, a diagnostic procedure called colposcopy (i.e. examination of the cervix with a microscope) is done. Certain chemicals may be applied onto the cervix to help pick up abnormal areas. These abnormal areas are then biopsied and examined under a microscope by the pathologist (a doctor who examines these tissues under a microscope).

If cervix cancer is confirmed on biopsy, other tests will be scheduled. These include radiological tests such as a chest x-ray and CT-scan or MRI of the abdomen and pelvis to exclude any regional or distant spread of the cancer.. Examination of the pelvis under general anaesthesia is often scheduled to determine the extent of the cancer.

Treatment Options

Treatment of Pre-invasive and Invasive Cervix Cancer

For pre-invasive disease, the treatment is the local removal of the abnormal lining in the cervix by local excision procedures or ablative procedures. Local excision techniques include knife or laser cone biopsies or loop electrosurgical excision procedures (LEEP). Ablative techniques include laser vaporization or cold coagulation. The technique of choice has to be discussed with the attending doctor. However, the successful treatment of precancer of the cervix almost certainly prevents cancer of the cervix from occurring.

For early invasive cancer of the cervix, cure can be achieved with either surgery (removal of the uterus i.e hysterectomy, and surrounding tissue including lymph nodes) or radiotherapy, which is often given with chemotherapy.

For advance disease where surgery is not possible, concurrent chemo-radiotherapy or radiotherapy is the treatment of choice. Radiotherapy is often given in 2 ways.  One is with external beam radiotherapy and the other is internal beam radiotherapy.  The external beam radiotherapy is carried out daily on weekdays and may take about 5 – 6 weeks to complete.  The internal beam radiotherapy is gen in 2 to 5 sessions.

Prognosis of Cervix Cancer

The prognosis for early stage cervical cancer is very good with 5 year survival between 80 to 95% However for advanced stage cervical cancer, the 5 year survival decreases to less than 40%.

Is prevention possible?

Yes, primary prevention of cervical cancer is now available in the form of vaccines. In Singapore, the two commercially available are Cervarix and Gardasil. Both vaccines have been shown to be efficacious in protection against HPV 16 and 18, which cause up to 70% of cervical cancers. All women of reproductive age are encouraged to vaccinate themselves against this preventable cancer. However, as some women may still develop cervical cancer even after vaccination, screening with PAP smear is still recommended.

Source : National Cancer Centre, Singapore

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri

Wishing all the best Eid 1435. Hope you had a blast !

Sunday 27 July 2014

The Benefits of Negative Ions to Human Body

The human body is surrounded by ions; therefore, the function of electrons inside and outside the cells has significant influence on the human body. It makes the body strong if good ions are taken. When the amount of Negative Electric Ions contained one cc of air inhaled reached 5,000 to 50,000, it strengthens the body's resistance and immunity; and when the amount of Negative Electric Ions contained in one D.C. of air reached 100,000 to 500,000, it relieves illnesses. Negatively Charged Electric Ions in our body are essential in sustaining and improving our health. Whereas 85% of the Negative Electric Ions are absorbed from our skin, only 15% is inhaled and absorbed through our lungs. 
  • Strengthen the functions of autonomic nerves
  • Reinforces collagen (tissues that are resilient and tension-related)
  • Improves the permeability of the cell's prototype plasma membranes (improves metabolism)
  • Strengthens the body's immune system
Negative ions neutralize pollutants and provide positive effects on health to
  • Stimulate the reticulo-endothelial system, a group of defense cells in our bodies that marshal our resistance to disease
  • Act on our capacity to absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the bloodstream accelerate the delivery of oxygen to our cells and tissues
  • Speed up oxidation of serotonin (5-hydroxtryptamine) in the blood. This is well known to have far reaching effects on mood, pain relief and sexual drive
Source : Negatively Charged electric Ion Treatment, issued by Youth Publishing 

    Saturday 26 July 2014

    Bio Seleza Feminine Pad - Our New BIG Thing

    Bio Seleza Feminine Pad is infused with specially formulated ingredients to help relieve menstrual-related problems and discomforts with added 8 unique benefits, Bio Seleza improves feminine hygiene and promote optimum health protection for you throughout the whole day.

    Made of biodegradable material, help to prevent cervical cancer which is due to abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body.  Prevention is better than cure.

    Free demo on Bio Seleza is available.  Please call / sms / whatsapp for appointment to : 92704332

    Minimum attendance required for a demo is 5 pax.  We are able to do at offices, schools, home, community centres.

    Friday 25 July 2014

    Gradual Weight Loss Programme

    Gradual Weight Loss Programme

    If you’re tired of hearing diet advice to eat less, we have news you’re going to love.
    This is Siti Nadirah, she has been on our diet programme for 4 months, with no compromising of her food intact.  The diet programme includes Bamboo Salt Premium Drinks every morning, and applying Bio-Ever Nano Cream to area where you want to reduce.  It is that simple, and easy.  No strict diet, no needles, no surgery, no chemical, no steroids.  And anyone can do this!

    Bamboo Salt Premium Drinks
    Ingredient Efficacy :

    • Removes toxins (such as heavy metals, chemical substances, germs, metabolic wastes, acid toxicity, free radicals).
    • Enhances intestinal peristalsis and eliminates sedimentary waste.
    • Provides minerals and trace elements.
    • Regulates biological mechanisms and body systems.
    • Regulates acid-base balance and restores body alkalinity.
    • Improves restorative capacity.

    Bio-Ever Nano Cream
    Ingredient Efficacy :

    • Rich in anti-ageing properties to delay ageing.
    • Rich in phytosterols  (Diosgenin) which will be converted to hormones to regulate biological metabolism and nervous system.
    • Nourishes endocrine glands such as thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries and testes.
    • Boosts energy.

    Call Us for more information 

    Sunday 20 July 2014

    Marine Essence Beauty Bar

    The best facial cleanser. Able to help cure Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Pimples, skin irritations and many more. It also lighten the darker area skin example the underarm, inner thigh, elbows. It leaves skin smooth and soft. SAY NO TO ECZEMA!!

    Wednesday 16 July 2014

    Using everyday experience as a learning platform - random ranting.

    Yesterday, I buka puasa at Jazz’s.   Mariam is truly a gifted cook, always enjoy having dinner with them. 

    While I was there, I met the neighbor Kak Idah, who we refers to as Kakak Sebelah.  She called me to go over to her house for a chat which she is 'sepit-ting' her orders of kuih tat. 

    Kakak Sebelah, has been purchasing our Marine Essence Beauty Bar. Recently she bought another 2 boxes.  I thought it was for her own family use.  But yesterday, she told me that her friend who stayed in Bedok, ordered the product from her too.  This friend of hers, has multiple illness, and one is skin irritation.  When she first used the Beauty Bar, she said that it felt like ‘getah nangka’, stickly to her skin.  And she wasn’t happy.  So Kakak Sebelah asked me what to do, so I told her to continue using, but don’t lather too much, just enough as cleanser.  So she did, and true enough, her skin condition improved, hence she ordered more.  Now she wants to try Herba Maharani, because she read the brochure which I normally enclosed when customer purchase products.  She said everything stated in the brochure, she is suffering! Poor soul.
    Kakak Sebelah also said that she has another friend who is interested to buy our products, but has to wait til after Raya.  Which is fine with me.

    What she didn’t realized is, unintentionally, she has open her own network marketing.  When she meets her friends, she talks about our products and how it has helped her friend and her grandson who had acne problem.  So I told Kakak Sebelah, to join as member so she can make extra income from her sharing, and not me.  Afterall, those are her friends and her contacts.  And she said YES.

    This lengthy entry has points to it.  And my points are :
    • There are people out there who are in need of our products which we have not reach.  Have we ventured to farther ‘land’… like Bedok, or Sengkang?
    • Networking is important, it may not be ours, it could be our neighbour’s, friend’s, cousin’s… all we need to do, is share
    •  Practice makes perfect.  Just ask, and you shall receive
    • Thinking and doing is 2 different things.  Think is a thought of tomorrow.  Action gets reaction
    • And most importantly, KNOWLEDGE – ACTION – REFERS. 

    Thank you. 

    Sunday 13 July 2014

    BBPlus Collagen and Bamboo Salt Premium Drinks - The Easiest Weight Loss Program

    BBPlus and Bamboo Salt

    I have been religiously taking BBPlus and Bamboo Salt Premium Drinks everyday since March 14.  I actually took them for energy.  BBPlus collagen was for the anti-aging benefits, and the Bamboo Salt Premium Drinks, to keep me energised throughout the day at the office.

    Little that I realised that it also help to reduce my weight.  Unknowingly to me, I have been losing weight since March, because I look at myself everyday, I don't really see that I have lost quiet a bit!

    Here are some photos

    Did not realised that I was actually this big ! Because I usually behind the camera and not much photos of myself.

    Until I took these pictures.  

    Still not too late for Raya !
    Call me for more details :

    BBPlus Collagen

    BBPlus Collagen

    BB Plus diperbuat daripada kolagen ikan yang bermutu tinggi. Kolagen ikan dikelaskan sebagai Kolagen Jenis 2, yang mempunyai struktur rantaian asid amino yang seakan-akan sama seperti yang terdapat dalam kolagen manusia. Habitat semulajadi ikan menyebabkan kolagen ikan  mempunyai kandungan Prolin dan Glisin yang cukup dalam suhu badan ikan yang rendah iaitu sama seperti kolagen manusia. Prolin dan Glisin adalah dua jenis asid amino yang penting untuk penghasilan kolagen, mengekalkan kecantikan kulit dan kesihatan rawan. Kolagen ikan ditukarkan menjadi peptida dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini untuk sumber kolagen yang kaya dan kesan penyerapan yang lebih baik.

    Bagaimana BB Plus Bertindak? 
    Mod tiga tindakan:

    1. Memulih  - Menggalakkan pembersihan mikro, menggantikan peptida kolagen bagi
                             rantaian kolagen yang telah rosak ataupun lemah
    2. Membina - Menguatkan dan melindungi rantaian kolagen melalui proses antioksida 
    3. Memperbaharui -  Menggalakkan pertumbuhan dan penghasilan sel kolagen baru

    Dos apakah yang efektif?
    Hanya 1 paket (5g) setiap hari untuk memiliki kulit muda yang cantik dan mulus. Proses hidrolisis menghasilkan peptida (3,000 saiz Dalton) yang sedia diserap.

    Bagaimanakah dengan aksi perlindungan antioksida tambahan? 
    Jus blackcurrant mengandungi anthocyanin untuk melindungi kulit muka dan badan daripada sinaran UV dan radikal bebas. Ekstrak biji anggur dengan OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) mengurangkan ketidakselesaan kulit serta menggalakkan penyembuhan kulit. Vitamin C dan roselle menguatkan rantaian kolagen, melindungi kolagen di dalam dermis kulit dan menggalakkan proses sintesis

    Bagaimanakah BB Plus dapat meningkatkan kualiti kulit?
    Serat epal dan inulin (serat diet) menggalakkan pencerahan kulit melalui proses detoksifikasi.

    Bagaimanakah BB Plus dapat membantu mengurangkan ketidakselesaan penyakit sendi?
    Peptida kolagen ikan adalah sumber Kolagen Jenis 2 yang baik dan merupakan komponen utama dalam rawan untuk membantu mencegah keradangan yang disebabkan oleh rheumatism and osteoarthritis.

    BB Plus mengandungi peptida kolagen yang tinggi untuk mengganti dan membina semula rantaian kolagen yang diperlukan untuk menjadikan kulit anjal, lembab, tegang dan gebu menawan. Rasa enak campuran ekstrak blackcurrant 100% dan jus roselle berkualiti tinggi serta kolagen ikan yang tidak berbau. 

    7 Hasil Kulit Cantik 
    1. Kulit wajah berseri dan cerah
    2. Kulit lebih anjal dan tegang
    3. Kulit lebih halus dan gebu
    4. Kulit lebih lembab
    5. Kulit lebih licin serta kurang garis halus dan kedutan
    6. Kulit lebih cepat sembuh dan pulih
    7. Kulit kurang kesan kerosakan akibat sinaran matahari

    Talipon kami untuk pembelian segera :

    Bamboo Salt

    Rendang Simple with Bamboo Salt

    Bahan-bahan nya :
    2 biji bawang besar
    7 ulas bawang putih

    1 sudu kecil serbok kunyit
    1 inci halia
    3 batang serai
    6 biji cili padi
    Di kisar halus. Tumis bahan2 tersebut, masukkan daging yg telah dipotong dadu besar.

    1 inci lengkuas di titik
    2 inci gula melaka
    1 sudu besar gula pasir
    1 kotak Santan kara
    Air satu cawan
    Garam Buluh secukup nya (very important ingredient)

    Masukkan semua kedalam daging tadi. Masukkan daun limau dan daun kunyit.

    Gaul2, dan biarkan sampai kuah kering. Viola!

    Bamboo Salt, the must ingredient that you need in your kitchen.  
    It helps to lower your blood sugar, hypertension, helps to promote good blood circulation, constipation, helps to cure stomach ulcer and many more benefits

    Bamboo Salt, make it your lifestyle

    Saturday 12 July 2014

    Marine Essence Beauty Bar

    Marine Essence Beauty Bar

    Marine Essence Beauty Bar is specially formulated to nourish, moisturise and rejuvenate skin. It is luxuriously blended and enriched with antioxidants and natural oils to deliver the best benefits for your skin.

    Marine Essence Beauty Bar pampers your skin instantly and leaves it tenderly soft, amazingly hydrated and unbelievably silky smooth to the touch.
    Inspired by the organic form of a seashell, its captivating scent so divine that you will be enticed to use Marine Essence Beauty Bar everyday!
    Bamboo salt
    - Rich source of essential minerals and antioxidants for skin.
    - Anti-bacterial, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory.

    Pheno-SFE TM (Pu-erh Tea Extract)
    - Renowned antioxidant and restorative properties to remove harmful free radicals that cause damage to skin cells. (Anti-ageing)
    - Repair and renew skin cells by keeping it healthy and youthful for longer time.

    Liquorice Extract
    - Reduces skin discolouration and dark spots.
    - Lightens skin pigmentation.

    Tea Tree Oil
    - Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.

    Vitamin E
    - Antioxidant, anti-ageing.
    - Heals problematic and damaged skin effectively.

    - Does not dry up skin. Instead it attracts moisture from the atmosphere into the skin.
    Excellent moisturiser.

    Aloe Vera
    - Unique ability to heal and stimulate skin cell renewal on problematic and damaged skin.


    Marine Essence Beauty Bar - A Must in Every Household

    Marine Essence Beauty Bar - is a must in every household, a beauty bar that has tremendous value for money.  It helps to cure eczema, skin rash, itchiness, lighten dark area like underarm and inner thigh, it also helps to lighten stretch marks and scars.

    It is made of organic botanics ingredients which includes bamboo salt and tea tree. It aid to heal body and face acne. Antioxidant, chemical free, NO PARABEN, no SLEs, and not a soap.

    It will leaves your skin smooth and soft.  

    Call Me for more details.

    Sabun Marine Essence dalam bentuk bar ni dirumus khas untuk memberi kelembapan dan kecantikan pada kulit. Diperkaya dengan anti oksida dan minyak asli, ia akan memberikan banyak manfaat kepada kulit kita tak kira lelaki mahupun perempuan. Dengan saiz sebesar tapak tangan, pelbagai kebaikan yang dijanjikan sabun Marine Essence ni. Ramai yang telah mencuba dan berpuas hati dengan hasilnya. 


    Garam Buluh
    - Sumber kaya dengan mineral dan antioksidan untuk kulit.
    - Anti-bakteria, anti-alergi, anti-keradangan.

    Pheno-SFE TM (Ekstrak The Pu-erh)
    - Terkenal dengan antioksidan dan sifat-sifat pemulihan untuk menghapuskan radikal bebas yang berbahaya daripada merosakkan sel-sel kulit. (Anti penuaan)
    - Memperbaiki dan memperbaharui sel-sel kulit dengan menjaganya agar tetap sihat dan muda untuk masa yang lebih lama.
    Ekstrak Liquorice
    - Mengurangkan perubahan warna kulit dan bintik-bintik hitam.
    - Mencerahkan pigmentasi kulit.
    Minyak Tea Tree
    - Anti-bakteria, anti-kulat.
    Vitamin E
    - Antioksidan, anti-penuaan.
    - Menyembuhkan kulit yang bermasalah dan rosak dengan berkesan.
    - Tidak mengeringkan kulit. Sebaliknya, ia menarik kelembapan daripada udara ke dalam kulit
      Merupakan pelembap kulit yang  terbaik.
    Aloe Vera
    - Kebolehan untuk menyembuhkan dan merangsang pembaharuan sel-sel kulit pada kulit yang bermasalah.


    - Memberikan kesegaran badan yang berpanjangan
    - Mengurangkan bau badan akibat bakteria pada peluh
    - Mengembalikan kelembapan kulit
    - Menghilangkan kesan parut dan regangan kulit (stretch mark)
    - Membantu kurangkan masalah jerawat pada belakang badan
    - Menghilangkan kesan daki  pada tempat-tempat seperti ketiak, siku dan buku lali
    - Memutihkan kawasan yang mudah gelap seperti ketiak dan tengkuk
    - Mengurangkan gatal-gatal pada badan akibat eczema
    - Mengurangkan rekahan pada kaki