Tuesday 26 May 2015

Passion is contagious, humor is magic. And storytelling is an art.

Been awhile since I last blogged.  It has been a hectic month, but happy nonetheless.  I have made a trip to Boracay for the office annual retreat, to Kuala Lumpur to attend a grand wedding, to Bawean Island to visit relatives and to Mount Bromo to experience the magnificent sunrise and the volcanic crater, all in one month’s time.

Annual Retreat in Boracay, Philippines (23 - 27 Apr 2015)

Grand Wedding in Kuala Lumpur (1 May - 3 May 2015)

Trip to Bawean Island (16 - 22 May 2015)

Climbing Bromo 

Visiting Madakaripura Waterfall

In between, I managed to squeeze sometime to build Voguenista official page.  So it is now ready to launch.

There have been a lot of changes happened.  We are marketing our Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie online, via Facebook, Instragram, Carousell, Blogging and also our own Voguenista website.  The teamwork is great, the responses are greater. 
What we are aiming is to get more women to join us in the business to upgrade, not only their economy but also their skills, their PR, their personal grooming and their outlook of life in general.   To have a good result in anything, is to have positive thinking. 
Had a dialogue with our number one CDM, Mr Louis Chen, and he advised that we take a slight turn and re-strategize our approach, which I am taking it very serious.  It looks like this business is shooting high and the platform that we took, is escalating everything positively.

What are the business that we offer ?

Network Marketing, or Multi-Level-Marketing, whichever name that you feel comfortable with.

Network marketing is a type of business opportunity that is very popular with people looking for part-time, flexible businesses. Network marketing programs feature a low upfront investment--usually only a few hundred dollars for the purchase of a product sample kit--and the opportunity to sell a product line directly to friend, family and other personal contacts. Most network marketing programs also ask participants to recruit other sales representatives. The recruits constitute a rep's "downline," and their sales generate income for those above them in the program.

What are our products ?

We focus on Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie as our base product.  The others includes personal care products like Marine Essence Series and Min Kaffe. 

Why Premium Beautiful ?

Because Premium Beautiful offers 70% health and 30% beauty.  What all women needs.  We are all born beautiful, but we need to be healthy to maintain our beauty.  Hence this product is perfect. 

* Premium Beautiful gradually enhances body shape while maintaining excellent figure
* The unique 360° stretchable fabric allows free movement that is highly suitable for
   today's modern
* Lightweight and highly strerchable fabric allows execellent air ventilation and heat
* This innovative elegant design woven with far infra-red ray promotes better blood
  circulation while shaping the body effectively

Call us at : +65 92704332 or visit our website at : www.voguenista.net and join us as member, and you will receive promotional offers. 

Friday 27 March 2015

Have A Great Weekend Rendevous

To feel confident, elegant, charming and captivating, put on your Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie.  Makes you feel and look good.  Haven't had yours yet ?

Call us for FREE Fitting

Norzihan at : +65 92704332

Monday 2 March 2015

Why garlic can help you lose weight

The health-giving qualities of garlic are almost as well-known nowadays as its pungent smell. But scientists claim to have found a new benefit - they say it can prevent weight gain and might even cause weight loss.

Laboratory tests showed that rats given a high- sugar diet put on less weight if they were also given a garlic compound.

Evidence has already shown garlic is effective in preventing high blood pressure, treating diabetes, curing diarrhoea, lowering the risk of heart attacks and killing cancer cells.
Dr David Mirelman, of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, described it as a 'wonder drug' and said it is in the same league as aspirin.

Key to its health-giving properties, he says, is a compound called allicin that gives its powerful smell.

He has produced a synthetic version of the compound, which is nature's way of protecting garlic from insects, fungi and bacteria in the soil, and eats it with yoghurt every day.
A team of doctors used Dr Mirelman's allicin on rats to test whether garlic could combat high blood pressure and prevent diabetes and heart attacks.

It destroyed the build-up of plaque in coronary arteries, reducing the symptoms of diabetes and bringing down blood pressure in rats which were fed a high-sugar diet for three weeks before been given allicin.

The blood pressure and sugar metabolism of rats given allicin after the high sugar diet went back to normal within two weeks. But the statistics of rats in a control group
that did not receive the garlic compound rocketed and remained high. The researchers were also amazed to see that none of the rats given allicin gained weight, and now want to conduct tests on obese rats to see whether allicin causes weight loss.

Dr Mirelman stumbled across garlic's medicinal properties on a trip to China for a conference on dysentery. A Chinese physician there showed off his cure for the often deadly stomach illness - a bottle of crushed raw garlic soaked in alcohol.
'He gave dysentery patients half a glass of the yellow liquid twice a day,' said Dr Mirelman. 'I asked him how well it worked and he said it's been curing people for 5,000 years

'So I took the recipe and studied it. I isolated each of the components in garlic and found the most effective component was allicin.

'It was highly effective at killing a wide range of micro-organisms from fungi to bacteria and malaria.'

In separate experiments, Dr Mirelman has found that garlic destroys cancer cells in the laboratory. In the next decade, he believes it could form the basis for new anti-cancer treatments.

Another study showed that those who take a garlic supplement each day are far less likely to fall victim to the common cold.

Garlic has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. Egyptian hieroglyphics record that garlic was given to the workers who built the pyramids to keep them strong and healthy.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-87815/Why-garlic-help-lose-weight.html#ixzz3TDU3y6nV 

Hai O Garlic Tablet

Contains 100% active garlic powder, natural supplement for whole family’s immune system.

Garlic is rich in organic germanium and selenium, which can help us to discharge body’s waste and toxin. 

Unique characteristic of Hai O Garlic : 

Dissolves in intestine but not in the stomach. Hence, it
will not irritate stomach wall and causes strong odour in the mouth.
Hai-O Garlic:

  • Anti-bacteria and relief inflammation
  • Enhances immunity, delays senility and aging
  • Reduces cholesterol and lowers blood pressure
  • Enhances body strength to discharge toxin
  • Regulates intestine and stomach to promote digestion
  • Prevents the growth of unhealthy cells
  • Helps to sensitive body physique

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Senario Middle Income Household.

Yang bekerja cuma suami.  Gaji sebulan $2,500 (termasuk overtime)

Cukup bulan, dapat gaji... bayar bills.  Bills pulak, kebanyakan nya bukan yang betul-betul perlu. Kalau setakat bill api-air tu, tak berapa lah sangat, paling tinggi pun about $300 sebulan.  Itu pun sebab pakai aircon, washer/dryer, tv 24 hours, computer lagi.  

Bill conservancy charges pun berapa lah sangat $40 sebulan.  Duit rumah guna duit CPF. Bills makan sebulan, tolak lah $500.  Yuran sekolah budak $10 seorang, 3 orang anak $30. Allowance sekolah budak, letak lah $480, 2 anak sekolah primay dan secondary, pergi sekolah jalan kaki, 1 polytechnic, kena naik bas dan MRT, tambah $100 untok EZlink. 

Bills keperluan asas : 
Air/Api : $300
Conservancy : $40
Yuran sekolah : $30 
Duit pasar : $500
Duit sekolah anak :$580
Total : $1,450.00

Tiap ahli keluarga ada handphones, termasuk anak yang berumur 8 tahun.  Average bills handphone tiap bulan untuk 5 org : $300. Itu kalau anak tak terbeli online games.
Bill cable tv dan internet : $150

Untuk suami pergi kerja :  EZ link, duit makan di tempat kerja, duit = $300

Perbelajaan sebulan yang pasti : $2,200
Balance $300.00.  
Hujung Minggu anak-anak ajak keluar. Tentunya makan di luar. Tiap hujung minggu ada jemputan kawin.  Last-last $300 tak rasa, bila habis nya.

Bila ziarah Mak-Ayah, tak dapat nak hulur duit, sebab dah tak ada.  Akhirnya Mak-Ayah yang beri cucu-cucu duit $10 sorang.  Begitu juga bila ziarah mertua.  Tak dapat nak hulur.  Mak mertua, terkebil-kebil.

Ini, senario yang ramai kalangan kita alami.  The middle-income earners.  

Secara terperinci, masalah ini di alami oleh setiap middle-income household, yang kurang pengetahuan tentang perkiraan perbelanjaan rumah.  

Satu cara untuk menangani masalah ini, ialah merombak balik cara perbelanjaan dengan teliti.  Misalnya, handphones. Gunakan talipon rumah, yang bayaran bulanan cuma $10.00 sahaja.  Anak umur 8 tahun tak perlukan handphone. Cable TV, pilih yang perlu sahaja, educational channels, movie packs tak penting.  Channel yang banyak siar kan sinetron tak penting. 

TAPI ini semua dikirakan perlu!!! tak ada yang nak korbankan handphone....

So, cara alternative yang terbaik, 'LOOK FOR SECOND INCOME'.  Yang isteri pun boleh bantu walaupun duduk di rumah.  

What is $500 extra per month in the bank, will do for you??? 

Masuk  bank pertengahan bulan lagi. Bila orang lain semua sedang tercungap-cungap menunggu hujung bulan untuk terima gaji, kita tengah bulan ada duit masuk bank.  Tak nak ke?  Tak suka ke? Tak perlu ke?

Tepuk dada, tanya selera.  $500 exta sebulan, macam-macam boleh buat.  itu kalau $500, kalau $1,000 dan lebih, dan lebih, dan lebih??? 

Income yang tidak ada batas nya.  Tergantung pada keyakinan diri, usaha keras, dan ingin membantu orang lain untuk terlepas dari belengu kesempitan ekonomi keluarga.  

Peluang ada di mana-mana, tapi peluang yang baik untuk diri sendiri, datang hanya sekali.